Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Back in the Office

Yesterday I worked from home. Had a good weekend, tried to get lots of rest, knowing I would be back to work on Monday. I had lots of problems with nausea, I guess it's normal. Yesterday I finally called the nutritionist and she said to move to mushy foods, which goes from clear liquids to food like cream of wheat, cottage cheese, pudding, mash potatoes, things like that. It is very small amounts per serving, like only 1/2 cup. I got a bit excited last night trying to figure out how I could have some cottage cheese and some pudding. I have to get over that mentality. I guess it's the old diet ways kicking in. I also felt a bit fearful, 1.fear of eating food and getting sick, how is my stomach going to react, i don't want to vomit, etc. 2.fear of gaining weight, I know that is crazy, but I am loosing weight, and I am scared if I eat some normal food that will stop. I did find myself over the weekend wondering what to do with myself. Sunday is a day of cooking or going to eat, I couldn't really do any of those things. No reason anymore to cook a big ole meal on Sunday, just me and hubby at home. I think hubby missed our weekend routine of going to breakfast. I see no reason why we can't go next weekend. I can order some oatmeal that is mushy. We enjoy sitting there talking and having coffee, no reason not to do that. Just have to get accustomed to the changes. Have a great great day ever..... Lovely Banded Lil

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